Responsible Procurement

Fostering Ethical and Sustainable Supply Chains

The supply chain plays a critical role in maintaining and boosting our competitive advantage. We believe in developing mutually beneficial partnerships with our suppliers, and supporting one another to achieve common sustainability goals. Our comprehensive and sustainable supply chain framework ensures an environmentally responsible supply chain that complies fully with business ethics, and supports a safe and healthy working environment by respecting employee and labor rights.

Sustainable development across the supply chain is an important tenet of our corporate strategy, and the company’s board of directors has been designated the highest decision-making body for supply chain management. The board regularly reviews sustainability-related practices and performance, formulates strategies, and actively develops supplier capabilities to build a more resilient, diverse and sustainable valuechain.

Supplier Sustainability Physical Assessment

Non-tier 1 Suppliers Management

Conflict Minerals Suppliers’Survey

DRC Conflict-Free Products

Supplier Sustainability Physical Assessment

Non-tier 1 Suppliers Management

Conflict Minerals Suppliers’ Survey

DRC Conflict-Free Products

Sustainability Supply Chain

Ensure that all employees across the business and supply chain earn a wages that allows them to support the education of their dependents and ensure that there is zero child labor.

2023 Performance

  • DRC Conflict-Free Product Lines of Packaging and Material Services (%)


  • DRC Conflict-Free Product Lines of Electronic Manufacturing Services(%)


  • Number of Supplier Sustainability Physical Assessment


  • Critical Material Suppliers Completing RBA SAQ (%)


  • Non-tier 1 Suppliers Conduct Risk Assessment (by tier-1 procurement amount)


Sustainability Supply Chain

Substantially reduce emissions from our supply chain and our operations, in alignment with climate science.

2023 Performance

  • Critical Suppliers obtaining ISO 14064-1 Certification


Supply Chain Management Framework

Supply Chain Management Organization

The supply chain is crucial for ASEH's sustainability. The ASEH Corporate Committee, as the top management organization, develops strategies and implements supply chain matters and future plans based on board feedback and suggestions.

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Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

ASEH ensures safe working conditions, respectful treatment of workers, and ethical business operations in our supply chain through our sustainability supply management as part of the ASEH Procurement and Supply Chain Development Policy and Commitment.

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Conflict Minerals Compliance

Corporate Policy for Sourcing Conflict Minerals

Conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are used to fund conflict by violent organizations. Our supply chains unintentionally utilize these minerals.

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Supplier Sustainability Awards

Supplier Sustainability Awards

To promote sustainability in our supply chain, we introduced the Supplier Sustainability Award in 2017. This award recognizes suppliers who excel in sustainability. In 2020, all three ASEH subsidiaries collaborated to organize the award.

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Supply Chain Management Framework
Supply Chain Sustainability Management
Conflict Minerals Compliance
Supplier Sustainability Awards

Supply Chain Management Framework

The supply chain plays an indispensable role in ASEH’s corporate sustainability development. ASEH is committed to building solid supplier relationships and engaging in responsible procurement practices, we develop detailed management strategies and committed to working closely with our suppliers to innovate and develop sustainable technologies that enable us to offer high-quality products and services to our customers.

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Supply Chain Sustainability Management

ASEH is committed to become an advocator and an action maker with regard to corporate sustainability issues. ASEH has joined RBA and proactively participated in relevant conferences and training courses. ASEH adopts the RBA Code of Conduct in the management of labor, environment and ethics, and also applies the code to its supply chain management to ensure the provision of a safe work environment, respect for workers, environmental protection, ethical conduct and actively applied to sustainability management in supply chain.

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Conflict Minerals Compliance

Conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are sometimes controlled by violent organizations to fund conflict. Our industry supply chains unintentionally use metals from these conflict minerals.

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Supplier Sustainability Awards

To promote sustainability in our supply chain, we introduced the Supplier Sustainability Award in 2017. This award recognizes suppliers who excel in sustainability. In 2020, all three ASEH subsidiaries collaborated to organize the award.

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