ASE Technology Holding takes a spot on CDP Climate A List 2018

March 25, 2019

ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. (NYSE: ASX, TAIEX: 3711, “ASEH” ), the leading provider of semiconductor packaging, test and system assembly services, today announced that it has been included on the CDP Climate A List 2018. CDP is the global authority in environmental footprint and the CDP A List is a benchmark to which global businesses aspire.

CDP was established in 2003 and is a non-profit global environmental disclosure platform. CDP’s annual rankings score the thousands of companies that disclose their environmental action and how they address environmental issues. The companies that participated in the CDP disclosure in 2018 were responding to the request of over 650 investors managing assets of US$87 trillion. Using a robust methodology that analyzed companies against a diverse range of metrics, companies were scored from A to D-, with only the very best making the A List. ASEH was among the 139 companies worldwide that made the A List in 2018.

To effectively implement and fulfill corporate sustainability, ASEH established a systematic process to identify risks and opportunities associated with climate change and actions were taken to effectively manage risk and mitigate impact. Within the 11 metrics in the CDP disclosure survey, ASEH scored A in 9 of the critical metrics (including governance, risk and opportunity disclosures, emissions reductions initiatives, and so on) underscoring the efforts and results made by the company on corporate transparency and measurement of environmental actions.

For three years consecutive years since 2016, ASEH has been named Industry Segment Leader in the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) and listed on DJSI World and DJSI Emerging Markets. It is an honor for ASEH to be recognized once again on both the DJSI and CDP A list in the same year.

For more information about CDP A List, please visit

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