Ecological Restoration at the Huwei Science Park

July 24, 2023

SPIL, the ASE Environmental Protection and Sustainability Foundation, and the Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) Bureau held a signing ceremony to mark the company’s development of an ecological park at the Huwei Science Park. This initiative underscores the company’s commitment to biodiversity conservation and ecological restoration in Taiwan.

SPIL, a subsidiary of ASEH, has been actively expanding its presence in the central and southern regions of Taiwan. The company is increasing its investment in Taiwan and leasing land at the Huwei Science Park to establish a new facility. The new facility will be introducing advanced packaging processes which will drive greater economic opportunities for the supply chain. These developments will consequently increase employment opportunities and boost the region’s economic growth.

Besides economic and social advantages, the company’s development of an ecological park is a further demonstration of our commitment to 30×30 COP15, an initiative calling on the world’s governments to designate 30 percent of Earth’s land and ocean as protected areas by 2030. SPIL and the ASE Environmental Protection and Sustainability Foundation, is working together with the Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) to assume responsibility for the ecological restoration of the public parks at the Huwei Science Park. Professor Chyi-Rong Chiou, the Director of the Biodiversity Research Center at National Taiwan University was appointed to lead the restoration project with a team of experts in sustainability development, plant and animal ecology, landscape planning, conservation management, environmental monitoring, environmental education, and community engagement.

The goals of the team consist of:

  • Ecology. To restore native plants through the creation of food forests, and enrich the biodiversity of the park. The team will design an agricultural and forest ecosystem to enhance agricultural productivity and plant restoration.
  • Social. To improve the mental and physical well-being of the local community. The team will design community-friendly pathways, facilities, and activities to serve as a stress-relieving and recreational space for park employees and nearby residents.
  • Cultural. To incorporate arts and culture within the park. The team plans to infuse Yunlin’s unique bamboo groves into the surrounding landscapes through art installations that merge nature with culture.

The team of experts also include Professor Shin-Cheng Yeh from National Taiwan Normal University and Vice President I-Ju Pan from Taipei Landscape Architects Association.

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