Environmental Conservation

Investing in a Sustainable Planet

To address the environmental impact caused by economic development and extreme weather, ASEH has designated the protection of the environment and public welfare as the cornerstones of our community engagement efforts. By bringing together local residents, government agencies, non-profit organizations, suppliers, customers and stakeholders to promote environmental projects, we aim to mitigate negative impacts and bring about positive developments. We remain committed to our 30-year goal (initiated in 2014) of investing a total of NT$3 billion towards environmental initiatives in Taiwan, whereby we will donate NT$100 million or more per year.

In 2023, to optimize resource utilization and deepen environmental sustainability efforts, NT$ 100 million was allocated to the ASE Environmental Protection and Sustainability Foundation (EPSF) for environmental projects focused on 5 key areas; energy conservation and carbon reduction, nature and ecology, environmental education, circular economy, and environmental protection. To date, a total of 37 projects are executed.

For more details on the projects, please visit our official website at: https://www.aseepsfund.org.tw/

Use of Funds in Environmental Conservation

2023 Accomplishments of ECF Programs


Major Projects

Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction

  • Reforestation Project

  • Campus LED installation projects

  • Green Supply Chain Guidance Project

  • Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration Methodology Development Project

Environmental Education

  • Funding for master’s theses and doctoral dissertations on environmental protection issues

  • Proposal selection for the ‘Smile Taiwan’ creative teaching project

  • “Grandma Chang’s Magical Castle,” a children’s illustrated book on the environment published by the ASE Foundation, and educational activities on circularity

  • Da Gang Elementary School, Taoyuan City Aquaponics Operation and Maintenance Project

  • Sustainable Environmental Education for All Ages: Building a Water Paradise Project

  • Promotion of environmental education through the exemplary model of the ASEH Recycling Facility, Nanzih Industrial Park

  • Journey towards a Circular City by transforming lifestyles through source reduction - a project by Kaohsiung City

Environmental Protection

  • ASE guardians of the seas

  • Coastal or river conservation and restoration

  • Academic research projects on environment-related technologies

  • Design and development of Nanzih green parks

  • Sponsoring the International Environmental Protection Expo ‘Smart City × Green Technology’

Nature & Ecology

  • Conservation of endangered native species in Taiwan - chinese box turtle

  • Central Taiwan Science Park (Huwei Campus): Eco-forest Restoration Project

  • Dongguang Elementary School: Butterfly Educational Eco-park and Environmental Research Project

Circular Economy

  • Supplier Sustainability Award

ASE Guardians of the Seas

ASEH is committed to UN SDG 14: life below water, to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources, and address the problem of the degradation of the marine environment. Beginning in 2021, the ASE EPSF collaborated with the Taoyuan City Government to execute a coastal and marine environment conservation project, aiming to remove 500 metric tons of marine litter between 2021 and 2023. From 2021 to 2022, we successfully removed 663 metric tons of litter, and in 2023, we cleared 310 metric tons, exceeding our targets.

In 2023, we expanded the marine conservation and beach cleanup project to 6 locations (the northeast coast, Green Island, Liuqiu Island, Penghu, Orchid Island, and Kenting), rallying the local community and volunteers to conduct ocean and beach clean-up activities to remove trash from Taiwan’s waters. On June 8, we held the 2023 ASE Ocean Day to clean up Fulong Beach, together with the National Police Agency (Ministry of the Interior), employees, DF Recycle and Foxwell Power (suppliers), Ming Chuan University, and community members (teachers and students from Fulong and Fulian Elementary Schools). The event attracted approximately 600 people. In tandem, an ocean clean-up drive was also conducted at 7 dive sites across the island, intensifying our efforts to protect Taiwan’s seas. In 2023, we conducted 48 ocean cleanups and 36 beach cleanups, involving almost 1,945 participants and removing a total of 3.97 tons of marine and coastal litter.

We continue to encourage and invite members of the public and company employees to join our ocean clean-up diving team. In 2023, we trained 36 new divers, and conducted the first ecological dive training for 124 people, equipping them with more advanced marine conservation knowledge. Additionally, we mobilized more than 135 divers for our coral conservation efforts in Penghu to restore 540 corals and perform regular maintenance. To further protect the biodiversity of the marine environment, we launched a coral observation and monitoring project to record health data for the local coral beds.

Campus LED Installation Projects

The ASE Environmental Protection and Sustainability Foundation continued to promote campus LED light installation projects. By assisting elementary and junior high schools in rural areas and communities surrounding ASE facilities to replace fluorescent tubes and light bulbs with LED lights, the projects help to protect the eyesight of schoolchildren. Since the project was first launched ten years ago, we have installed 161,261 LED tube lights in 155 schools in the Nantou and Kaohsiung areas. Over the years, the LED projects have helped schools to save 16,531,800 kWh of electricity and reduce 8,465 tCO2e. LED lighting also helps to create a well-lit environment, in turn improving teaching quality and at the same time achieving energy conservation and carbon reduction.

Sustainable Environmental Education for All Ages: Building a Water Paradise Project

Since 2021, the ASE Environmental Protection and Sustainability Foundation has been collaborating with the Taoyuan City Government on a three-year project to promote aquatic environmental awareness and related activities. Under the project scope, there are 4 sub-plans covering the following. 1. Preschool Children’s Environmental Learning Park. Upgrades and improvements were made to the infrastructure of the Xinwu Environmental Learning Park, that include environmental, food, and agricultural classes suitable for preschool children, elementary school students, and parent/child groups. Over the past three years, 638 environmental classes have been held, benefiting 108,839 participants. 2. Shimen Reservoir Educational Tour. Elementary school students from various districts of Taoyuan City went on educational tours of the Shimen Reservoir catchment areas and the surrounding ponds to help them understand the impact of climate change on Taiwan’s water resources as well as the importance of resource recycling. Over the past three years, 250 environmental classes were held, benefiting 6,609 participants. 3. Satoumi Digital Learning. Teachers from the Satoumi College of marine science were provided comprehensive training as part of the environmental education for all age groups. To promote Satoumi ecological tourism, a website was created to promote the Taoyuan Eco Tours. Over the past three years, 57 coastal literacy workshops and ecotours (benefiting 2,897 participants), 30 master lectures and parent-child seminars (benefiting 1,989 participants), 7 marine education activities for young children (benefiting 59 participants), 2 marine science camps (benefiting 70 high school students), three coastal ecological docent elite classes (training 26 docents), and 55 coastal ecological tours for elementary and junior schools in Taoyuan City (benefiting 1,688 participants) were conducted in an effort to promote coastal environmental education for people of all ages to elevate their environmental protection awareness. 4. Water Patrol and Promoting Environmental Education. A website for the Water Paradise Project was created by the Taoyuan city government. As of the end of 2023, supporting companies have adopted 802 rivers, and the water patrol teams have conducted 24,962 patrols, obtained 4,154 water quality monitoring datasets, oversaw 2,532 waterfront revitalization developments, and held 417 aquatic environment educational activities.

Other topics

Other topics

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance at the Core: Upholding Laws, Guiding Principles

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Public Advocacy

Public Advocacy and Management Framework

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Stakeholder Communication

Uniting Stakeholders for Impactful Change

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Intellectual Property Management

Unlocking innovation and safeguarding excellence

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Business Conduct and Ethics

Good corporate citizenship and social responsibility

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Talent Attraction and Retention

Talent Recruitment

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Waste Management

Waste Generation and Recycling

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Succession Planning

Risk Management Policies and Procedures

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Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Supplier Sustainability Management Approach

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Social Involvement

Stimulate positive social change

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Talent Cultivation and Development

Talent Cultivation and Development

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Corporate Sustainability Policy

Pioneering Sustainability, Powering Tomorrow

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Shaping Tomorrow's Value

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Supply Chain Management Framework

Supply Chain Management Organization

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Industry-Academia Collaborations

Industry-Academia Collaborations

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Green Facility

Realizing the determination of green transition

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Water Resource Management

Water Risk Assessment

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Human Rights Management

Committed to Human Rights, Sustainability, and Responsibility

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Organization & Structure

Fostering Organizational Excellence

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Smart Factories and Automation

Higher customer satisfaction in quality and delivery

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Sustainable Manufacturing

Eco-Efficiency Through Sustainable Manufacturing

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Community Engagement

Community Engagement

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Risk Management

Risk Management Policies and Procedures

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Sustainability Strategies

Building a Better Future, Together

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Climate Leadership

Transitioning towards Low-Carbon Resilience

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Occupational Health and Safety

Diverse Talents, United Excellence

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Environmental Management System

Towards a Greener and Better Future

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Diversity in Human Resources

Diverse Talents, United Excellence

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Information Security Management

Information Security Policy, Organization and Targets

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Conflict Minerals Compliance

Corporate Policy for Sourcing Conflict Minerals

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Promote the well-being of human and safeguarding our planet

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Supplier Sustainability Awards

Supplier Sustainability Awards

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