Environmental Management

Towards a Greener and Better Future

ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectively “ASEH ”) are fully committed to fulfilling corporate social responsibility for the advancement of economic, social and environmental sustainability. The Environmental Responsibility Policy (hereinafter referred to as the policy) has been formulated in accordance with ASEH’s Low Carbon, Circular, Inclusive and Collaborative, combined with the principles of sustainable manufacturing. The policy acts as a basis to regulate ASEH’s management of environmental aspects through its interaction with business partners and stakeholders including suppliers, contractors, customers, joint venture partners and the community. The policy shall also be used as a guideline to conduct due diligence for merger and acquisition transactions.

ASEH pledges to provide an environmental-friendly manufacturing service that applies the concept of eco-efficiency in its research and development, procurement, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and customer service. ASEH shall continue to improve energy efficiency and build a green environment and value chain, that will increase product value and reduce the impact of its operations on the environment and humans.

Management Guidelines

  • Legal compliance

    Legal compliance: ASEH shall comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and international standards, and take appropriate measures to protect the environment. ASEH shall also take meaningful actions to achieve environmental sustainability when conducting business activities and internal administration.

  • Organizational responsibility

    Organizational responsibility: ASEH shall establish designated environmental management units responsible for formulating, promoting and maintaining environmental management systems and specific action plans, as well as organize environmental education courses for executives and employees.

  • Management systems

    ASEH shall establish robust environmental management systems by adopting appropriate technologies and building a resilient infrastructure to reduce environmental impact caused by daily operations and resource utilization.

  • Eco-conscious culture

    ASEH shall develop a company culture that motivates employees to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors and expands opportunities for collaboration across the value chain. A strong culture extends ASEH’s influence that accelerates our journey towards a sustainable environment.

Environmental Commitments

Design and development

  • Improving product ecology efficiency and introducing innovative technology development and management.

  • Controlling and restricting the use of hazardous materials and components.

  • Developing solutions for lightweight, small and energy-efficient product designs.

  • Research and development of recyclable materials or extending the material life cycle.

Procurement and the supply chain

  • Implementing green procurement in accordance with ASEH’s conflict mineral policy and green product standards.

  • Incorporating green design and customer requirements, and collaborating with supply partners to develop new materials and equipment, to provide better value and increase the competitiveness of the supply chain.

Production and manufacturing

  • Improving resource, energy and water efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Reducing discharge of pollutants, toxic substances and waste, and taking appropriate measures to dispose and recycle waste.

  • Maintaining proper wastewater discharge, recycling and monitoring

  • Increasing the reuse and recyling of raw materials.

  • Prioritizing the replacement of hazardous substances with eco-friendly materials and increasing internal and external recycling rates to maximize resource utilization and achieve clean production.

  • Promoting circular economy through redesign, value creation, recycling and restoration, sharing economy, circular agriculture and industrial symbiosis.

Transportation and logistics

  • Performing greenhouse gas inventories to gain a firm grasp of upstream and downstream carbon emissions, choosing transportation modes with low carbon emissions, and optimizing route planning and distribution networks.

  • Prioritizing packaging materials that use recyclable, low environmental impact or reusable materials.

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