Waste Management

Waste Generation and Recycling

ASEH adopts source reduction measures and prioritizes the use of eco-friendly materials to minimize waste generation and reduce environmental pollution. We require all facilities to complete ISO14001 certification, and collect and track each facility’s environmental-related data from the environmental management platform on a quarterly basis. Facilities that have not achieved the targets will need to propose improvement plans to reduce their waste output and increase their recycling rate. In 2023, a total of 68,657 tons of waste was generated; a positive progress towards our goal of zero landfill. At some locations, local government regulations mandate a close to zero landfill for hazardous waste. As such, there still remains approximately 2% of general waste that must be disposed of in landfills. The USI Shanghai-Shengxia and Zhangjiang Facilities have each obtained of UL Solutions Environmental Claim Validation (UL ECV), Gold certification for achieving zero waste to landfill. To ensure that waste removal is environmentally friendly and conducted responsibly, we have commissioned qualified local vendors to recycle and process 100% of the generated waste within the border. We also use AI tools to monitor the operations of waste transport vehicles. Each facility conducts waste vendor audits in various forms, including annual online, paper-based, and on-site audits, as well as random audits. These audits aim to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and the company’s policies, and ultimately to prevent environmental pollution incidents. To improve waste resource utilization, we have adopted the circularity model with a goal of 90% recycling rate for non-hazardous waste. In 2023, he hazardous waste intensity (hazardous waste generated per revenue) decreased by 58% compared with 2015, resulting in a 91% general and hazardous waste recycling rate which is, a 3% increase from the previous year.

Striving Toward a Circular Economy

The concept of the circular economy have garnered greater global attention in recent years as concerns with the continuous depletion of natural resources grow. To optimize the use of Earth’s resources, the application of relevant expertise and the weighing of economic benefits are prime factors in implementing a circular economy. At ASEH, we are putting the circular economy in action by adopting five key approaches direct recycling, reuse, off-site regeneration, renewable materials and supply and leasing. We collaborate actively with suppliers and business partners across the industry chain to build a semiconductor circular economy through practical actions such as redesign, value-added circularity, recycling and recovery, shared economy, circular agriculture, and industrial symbiosis. In addition, we have formed alliances with organizations in our industry and from other sectors to examine the life cycles of resources and identify areas where resources can be reduced, recycled, and reused to prolong their lifespan, and maximize resource efficiency.

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