Occupational Health and Safety

Safety and Health Policy

ASEH is committed to providing workers with a safe, healthy, and conducive work environment. To ensure the health and safety of employees, and prevent accidents at the workplace, we have formulated comprehensive procedures for managing occupational health and safety ("OHS"). The main focuses of ASEH's OHS Management include the “Management System” and “Healthy Workplace”.

ASE Technology Holding Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “ASEH”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”) are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment through the establishment and maintaining of a safety and health management system that executes management and operational procedures to monitor and implement continuous workplace improvements for the benefit and protection of our employees.

As a strategic part of our sustainable development, our suppliers, contractors, service providers and subcontractors are obligated to conduct their business activities in compliance with the ASEH Safety and Health Policy (“Policy”).

ASEH is committed to implementing the Policy in accordance with the following principles:

  • Legal Compliance: ASEH shall uphold local safety and health laws and regulations in the countries where we operate, as well as abide by international codes and standards. We will respond accordingly to global advocacy issues, and pay close attention to global safety and health trends. We will establish a safety and health management system in line with international standards, and build a safe, healthy and high-quality working environment.

  • Management Systems: ASEH shall establish robust safety and health management systems to assess the risks and opportunities from our business operations, and establish regular assessment procedures through control measures. We will prioritize improvements based on risk assessment levels, promote specific action plans, continuously improve safety and health management performance, prevent accidental injuries and occupational diseases, and protect workers' physical and mental safety and health.

  • Goal Establishment: ASEH shall establish short, medium, and long-term quantitative goals, and continuously review safety and health management performance. We will also consult and seek participation from employees or employees’ representatives to achieve our goal of a "zero accident" workplace.

  • Safety and Health Culture: ASEH will strive to inculcate a culture and awareness of employee safety and health, and encourage participation and feedback. We will also simultaneously expand opportunities for collaboration and participation across the value chain in order to exert positive social influence and promote a safer and healthier workplace.

  • Organizational responsibility: ASEH shall regularly review the safety and health management performance and implementation, and report to the Board of Directors to ensure accountability and compliance with the Policy.

Safety and Health Policy

ASEH is committed to strict compliance with local regulations and international standards such as ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and the RBA Code of Conduct. To further improve the management standards of our health and safety performance, ASEH’s subsidiaries have established site management organizations, management policies and procedures, and regular internal audit processes. ASEH employs the PDCA model as an approach to prevent all incidents and achieve the management goal of “zero accident.”

The OHS Committees at ASEH’s worldwide facilities are tasked to keep abreast of local regulatory updates and evaluate internal policies, emergency response and environmental safety procedures, so as to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Occupational Injury Management

Occupational injury and incident reporting and investigation procedures are firmly established at all ASEH facilities. When an occupational injury incident occurs, standard operating procedures shall be followed and reported to local authorities in accordance with the management policy and local regulations, while injury incidents are reviewed regularly to improve preventive measures. Each subsidiary manages the statistical analysis of occupational injuries using the major indicators published by the Ministry of Labor and the Global Standards for Sustainability Reporting (GRI Standards) - Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (FR) and Disabling Injury Severity Rate (SR) are key measurements but the statistics do not include traffic accidents. There were 28 incidents of occupational injuries in 2023.

Accident reporting and investigation process

Accident Occurrence


  1. After an accident occurred, report it to the unit supervisor and workplace safety staff at the facility site. Meanwhile, help the injured with medical treatment and facilitate the process of hospitalizing them
  2. If an employee identifies an immediate danger in the workplace or while performing their duties, they have the right to stop working and move to a safe location without endangering the safety of others. The company will not take any disciplinary action in such cases


  1. After the occurrence of the accident, temporary measures are initiated immediately
  2. Units where the accident happened and the workplace safety unit will form an investigation and improvement team, and initiate an analysis of the causes of the accident


Initiate improvement actions targeting the cause of the accident

Prevention of Recurrence

After the analysis, formulate effective improvement measures based on the root cause of the accident. The measures will be implemented in each subsidiary/facility site to ensure improvements in dealing with similar situations and prevent the reoccurrence of similar accidents

Building a Healthy Workplace

The physical and mental well-being of our employees are central to organizational stability and the company has developed a multifaceted mechanism that covers health management, health promotion, employee assistance programs and community care.

Health Management

Health screening

59,949 pepole

expenditure of

3.27 million USD

  • Free periodic health screening for all employees and retired employees

  • Health screening for employees working in special conditions

  • Follow-up consultancy on anomalies discovered through health screening and providing medical advice

  • Employees’ clinic: ASE Kaohsiung has partnered with a local hospital to establish an employees’ clinic

Health Promotion

  • Specialist clinics covering general medicine, cardiology, mental health, weight loss, smoking cessation, vaccination and cancer screening etc.

  • Breastfeeding rooms and courses for new parent

  • Lectures and health education promotion, sports

Employee Support Program


5 gyms

Group courses

1,500 engagements

Social clubs

30 clubs

  • Physical Health

    • Establishing massage facilities and gyms: To encourage our employees to exercise regularly, we work with professional trainers to develop a range of classes including spinning, yoga and zumba. These group classes not only help employees maintain a healthy physical and mental well-being, but also facilitate interactions and bonding between coworkers

    • Social clubs: These clubs organize a wide variety of activities including sporting events, outdoor activities, indoor cardio sports, arts and crafts, and community service. In particular, ASE Kaohsiung factory has a foreign employee club

    • Competitions and Activities: Through various types of sports clubs and competitions, we cultivate employees' interests and encourage good exercise habits, that help strike a balance between work, physical and mental well-being. For example, ASE Kaohsiung organized 9 annual sports competitions and other major club activities in 2023, including running and walking events that attracted more than 5,000 participants

  • Mental Health

    • Employee counsellors: Beginning in 2017, ASE Kaohsiung rolled out a seeding program to recruit employees as volunteer counsellors to recognize warning signs of mental health issues and establish front-line support to employees exhibiting symptoms. We have completed 3 sessions of the seeding program, training a total of 95 employees and supporting more than 400 colleagues. In 2023, we organized five counselor alumni days to enhance empathy and support skills through experiential learningin emotional awareness, fostering unity among employee counselors and improving their caregiving capabilities.

    • Stress-relieve center: Employees can access the center with complete privacy to seek professional counselling

Community Care

  • Smart mobile clinic that serves remote areas

  • Conducting active-ageing activities and courses for seniors in the community

  • The ASE Kaohsiung employees’ clinic is also open to the neighboring community, friends and relatives of employees and our customers

Contractor Operation Safety Management

ASEH facilities have established contractor management policies to ensure that safety protocols are observed when contractors work at our facilities and to achieve the target of zero contractor occupational injuries. Eight high-risk types of operations at ASEH’s facilities were identified which include work on pipelines, flammable sources, work inside confined spaces, live-line, crane operations, elevated operations, chemical filling and roof works, for which stricter SOPs were instituted. Additionally, ASEH will continue to request contractors conducting high-risk operations to meet the requirements specified in the ISO 45001 management systems.

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