Talent Attraction and Retention

Talent Recruitment

ASEH and its subsidiaries employ a diverse, equality and inclusive recruitment policy that prohibits discrimination against any employee or job applicant on the basis of gender, age, race, nationality, religion, political affiliation or sexual orientation. The company is committed to complying with local laws and regulations, upholding its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, protecting and respecting human rights and adhering to the Responsible Business Alliance (“RBA”) Code of Conduct. ASEH forbids the use of child or forced labor and discourages recruitment agencies from collecting agency fees from foreign employees.

In 2023, ASEH recruited over 14,000 employees, of which 14.4% are engineering positions, and 16.7% of female engineering employees, 80.5% are skilled technical positions on the production lines. ASEH has also hired 161 persons with disabilities. As a global enterprise, we recruit a diverse pool of high-quality talents from all over the world. Helping foreign employees adapt and retaining talent at the workplace are our top priorities. In 2023, we hired over 1,000 new foreign employees. Our subsidiaries provide new hires with interpreter service and also assign them with senior foreign employees from the same country so as to help them adjust to their new work environment and familiarize themselves with the local culture. Foreign employees are also provided educational training programs in languages they understand, and they are accorded the same benefits as local employees. Our global and diverse talent recruitment policy has helped us improve the company’s global advantage and competitive capabilities, thus allowing us to meet the market needs of an increasingly diverse customer base. We believe that a workplace culture defined by diversity and inclusion, will allow employees to grow and develop mutual respect, resulting in a genuinely inclusive work environment.

Employee Turnover

Employee turnover at ASEH was 14.2% in 2023, a 1.6% decrease from the previous year. The turnover at our facilities in Taiwan was lower than 10%. The employee turnover rate at ASEH broken down into 55% male vs 45% female. In terms of job types, production line skill job position form the majority with 71.2%, while management, engineering and administrative positions formed the remaining 28.8%. On a biannual basis, ASEH subsidiaries conduct employee engagement surveys to encourage feedback and opinion sharing from employees. ASEH also perform annual analyses on the causes of attrition for different job types, the turnover was mainly attributed to factors such as remuneration, career growth and personal reasons, so as to make corresponding improvements for increasing employee job satisfaction and talent retention rates. As a technology company, we apply big data analytics to identify underlying and correlating factors that affect turnover and extrapolate behavioral factors that contribute to talent attrition. The analysis combines other factors such as regional attributes and challenges, to identify talent retention risks and project potential employee turnover rates. A deeper understanding of the dynamics affecting turnover will help the company to formulate strategies to manage the risks for retaining talent. Meanwhile, for facilities with high turnover among new hires, various actions will be adopted to help employees adapt to their work environment and prevent the depletion of human capital.

Talent Retention

ASEH provides a conducive environment for employees to unleash their full potential to create innovative technologies or to demonstrate effective management skills. The growth of the company is strongly dependent on attracting and retaining talent.

Key Retention Strategy

  • Highly Competitive Compensation and Benefits

  • Fair and Comprehensive Performance Review

  • Open Communication and a Grievance Mechanism

  • A Multi-faceted Employee Engagement Survey

Compensation and Benefit Policy

ASEH provides competitive remuneration packages that consist of base salary, subsidies, employee cash bonuses and other compensation based on a combination of the company’s achievements of business objectives and profitability, as well as the employees’ job responsibilities, professional qualifications and job performance etc. Employee remuneration is not determined based on factors such as gender, age, race, nationality, religion, political stance or gender orientation. Every year, our facilities benchmark employee base salaries with the local market rates to ensure a competitive compensation structure. In order to attract and retain talent, and reward performing employees, the company has established monthly incentive and annual profit-sharing bonuses. Monthly cash incentive bonuses are provided to employees with outstanding performance based on the company's operating goals and profitability, while annual profit-sharing bonuses vary according to the employee’s individual contribution levels and performance. In 2023, ASEH’s employee bonuses amounted to US$343 million (including monthly incentive and annual profit-sharing bonuses), with the accumulated total from 2017 to the end of 2023 reaching US$2,624 million. In addition, employees with outstanding performance are awarded company stock options, is aimed at retaining outstanding employees.

Taking care of employees’ health and well-being is critical to ensure high job satisfaction, productivity and retention rates. A flexible work scheme that allows employees to adjust their work schedules according to personal needs and commitments can drive improvements in morale and productivity, and lower absenteeism. It can also augment our human resource programs to attract and retain top talents, and reduce employee turnover. Flexible work schemes at ASEH and its subsidiary companies include flexible working hours, work from home arrangements and part-time positions.

  • Flexible Work Hours

    Providing flexible working hours based on the nature of work and personal needs (including family care or on-the-job training) to meet the requirements of different work hours or time zones. Our employees may apply for work hour adjustments with their supervisor’s approval. Flexible work hour schemes have been implemented at ASE facilities in Chungli, Japan and Singapore, as well as USI facilities.

    • Employees are allowed to apply for flexible work arrangements due to health or other personal reasons.

    • Attend to work duties during scheduled hours, while allowing work flexibility beyond that.

    • Maintain flexibility to adjust working hours. Employees are allowed to end their work day whenever they have completed the day’s task.

  • Work from Home

    ASE Japan, ISE Labs and USI : Designed a set of policies/guidelines to allow eligible employees to apply for work from home (remote) on a short or long-term basis.

  • Part-time Working

    ISE Labs has officially implemented a part-time employee policy which provides company benefits to part-timers who work a minimum of 30 hours per week.

To alleviate the burden on employees, ASEH has built a comprehensive leave management system in alignment with the various local government policies on parental leave. We proactively provide employees with information on labor insurance and subsidies, and assist them with the leave application procedure.

A total of 4,540 ASEH employees were on parental leave in 2023, including 960 on unpaid leave. Among the 779 workers expected to return to work, 615 actually returned, equivalent to a 79% return rate and a 83% retention rate. The number of newborn children at all facilities in 2023 was 1,853. Of the total number, 1,316 were from the Taiwan sites, accounting for0.97% of all newborns in Taiwan. The data demonstrated the success of the company's comprehensive parental care and benefits allowing our employees mind plan a for a family and the peace of mind to raise children.

ASEH’s subsidiaries have implemented a number of maternity benefits that go above and beyond the legal requirements ranging from maternity leave, paternity leave, prenatal check-up leave, childbirth subsidies, to childcare allowances. These initiatives are intended to support employees’ work life balance, and encouraging more childbirth while at the same time, helping to address Taiwan’s aging population trend.

  • Maternity Benefits

    Paid Maternity Leave (For the Primary Caregiver)

    • ASE: Female employees at the ASE Kaohsiung and ASE Chungli facilities are entitled to paid maternity leave of 10 weeks, exceeding the statutory requirement of 8 weeks. They can also apply for an additional 24 weeks of parental leave at 80% of their insured salary, resulting in a total of 34 weeks of childcare leave.

    Paternity Leave and Paternity Check-up Leave (For the Non-primary Caregiver)

    • ASE: Paternity/prenatal check-up leave for employees at the ASE Kaohsiung and Chungli facilities was extended from the legally mandated 7 days to 10 days. Employees can also apply for an additional 24 weeks of parental leave at 80% of their insured salary, resulting in roughly 26 weeks of childcare leave.

    Childbirth Subsidies

    • ASE: ASE Kaohsiung and ASE Chungli offer a child birth subsidy of NT$10,000 per child;ASE Malaysia offers a one-day congratulatory paid leave a day after an employee’s new born child

    • SPIL: SPIL plans to offer a child birth subsidy of NT$3,600 per child

    • USI: USI offers a child birth subsidy of NT$6,000 per child

  • Childcare Allowance

    • ASE: Childcare facilities established in ASE Chungli and ASE Kaohsiung in Taiwan, and ASE Korea.

    • SPIL: SPIL offers a monthly subsidy of NT$5,000 per child (NT10,000 if both husband and wife work at SPIL) aged 0-6 years-old

  • Breastfeeding and Maternal Health

    • Our facilities have dedicated on-site breastfeeding rooms that provide a private, comfortable and safe environment for breastfeeding employees, with unrestricted access during normal working hours.

    • A special maternity program was designed to monitor the health and provide support for employees who are pregnant, one year postpartum or are breastfeeding. Other pregnancy friendly workplace programs include conducting health hazard assessments, adjusting work duties during pregnancy, and providing maternity benefits and reinstatement after giving birth.

ASEH has 3 facilities worldwide that have set up childcare facilities within their premises – ASE Chungli and ASE Kaohsiung in Taiwan, and ASE Korea.
With proximity to nature and lush greenery in the surrounding areas, ASE was able to integrate food and farming education, green building design, art and aesthetic experiences, multi-learning areas, a library and high quality teaching equipment into the teaching curriculum. Our aim is to provide an innovative educational environment to let children develop their abilities through real life experiences and achieve a balanced physical and psychological development.

  • Defined Benefit Plans

    The Company and its subsidiaries in Taiwan joined the defined benefit pension plan under the ROC Labor Standards Law operated by the government. Pension benefits are calculated on the basis of the length of service and average monthly salaries of the last six months before retirement. The Company and its subsidiaries in Taiwan make contributions based on a certain percentage of their domestic employees monthly salaries to a pension fund administered by the pension fund monitoring committee.

  • Defined Contribution Plans

    The pension plan under the ROC Labor Pension Act (“LPA”) for the Group’s ROC resident employees is a government-managed defined contribution plan. Based on the LPA, the Company and its subsidiaries in Taiwan makes monthly contributions to employees’ individual pension accounts at 6% of their monthly salaries. The subsidiaries located in China, U.S.A., Malaysia, Singapore and Mexico also make contributions at various ranges according to relevant local regulations.

The ASE kindergartens and childcare centers provide high-quality and affordable education and day care services for employees. To adjust to employee work schedules, our kindergartens operate flexible hours with the nursery operatingAll ASEH’s employees are covered by the national labor insurance and group insurance, including life insurance, accidental injury insurance, medical insurance, cancer insurance, and more. We also provide travel insurance for employees going on business trips. We also offer free group insurance to our employees’ spouses and children. from 7am to 8pm so that our employees do not need to worry about their children while at work. ASE subsidizes the operating cost of the facility including utilities, cleaning and disinfection, general maintenance, fire safety measures, meal plans designed by dietitians and outdoor learning activities. The subsidy helps to lower the tuition fees and alleviate our employees’ financial burden, while allowing the children to benefit from high-quality childcare and learning environments. The ASE childcare and kindergartens are an extension of our employee-care management and we will continue to implement programs that support family values and strengthen employees’ loyalty

Health Examination/Health Facilities
We care about employees’ health and provides free physical health examinations to our employees at the clinics. There are also well equipped gyms at many of our facilities that are free of charge. Additionally, employees have access to massage centers for fatigue and stress relief

Performance Management

We consider performance management a means to improve the performance outcome and value of individuals, organizations, and the company as a whole. ASEH’s subsidiaries adopt a multi-dimensional performance management system to evaluate employee job performance which is conducted twice a year for all employees. Inaddition to receiving timely feedback from their immediate supervisors based on the evaluation, employees can also obtain cross-departmental suggestions from senior management or colleagues. The performance evaluation focuses on individual achievements and goals, and team goals. These assessments serve as the basis foremployee promotion, training and development, and compensation. Our evaluation incorporates various approaches which include management by objectives, multi-dimensional performance appraisal, team-based performance appraisal, and agile assessments. Development plans are formulated accordingly after theemployees and their supervisors identify areas for improvement in their current roles or future career plans. For employees experiencing performance gaps, supervisors will provide immediate feedback and targeted coaching. Supervisors will be focused on assisting the affected employees to maximize their efficiency in their job rolesand responsibilities.

Employee Communication

ASEH values and respects the opinions and rights of its employees. In an effort to promote open and transparent communication, the company has established comprehensive communication channels including unidirectional and bidirectional communication modes. Employees are able to receive the latest news about the company and express any opinions or concerns they may have about the workplace. To protect and ensure employees’ rights, employee opinions may be submitted anonymously.

ASEH recognizes employees’ right to freedom of assembly and association. As of the end of 2023, the total number of union members was 30,884, accounting for around 37.7% of all ASEH regular employees.

Employee Sustainability Engagement Surveys

Maximizing the potential of our human capital to create value forms a key pillar of ASEH’s sustainable development strategy. We began conducting the Employee Engagement Survey every two years since 2017, in 2021, we introduced a new survey framework that extended our focus to employee sustainability engagement.

In response to trend developments in 2023, adjustments were made to the employee engagement survey items. The survey now includes "Employee Experience Indicators" and "Employee Engagement Indicators." The Employee Experience Indicators cover four dimensions: "Purpose, Work, Reward, and People," totaling 12 categories. In addition to the existing three categories (Sustainability Engagement, Retention, ESG), two new categories were added in 2023: DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and Wellbeing, making a total of five categories, and the survey is conducted amongst direct and indirect employees across different job scopes.

In 2023, the scope of the engagement survey is now expanded to all three major subsidiaries covering direct and indirect employees at 25 facilities in 9 countries, accounting for 95.1% (74,490) of total employees surveyed. Survey results indicated that employees demonstrated higher engagement in the categories of "ESG," "Collaboration," and "Understanding." Overall, the 2023 sustainability engagement survey recorded a score of 77%, exceeding the company’s target of >75%. The next Employee Sustainability Engagement Survey will be administered in 2025.

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